Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Chaotic pursuit of chaos theory

^I thought that was a nice title, might see if Cathal will let me rename my thesis.

This past few weeks have went like split seconds, hardly a day passes with enough hours being given to me, I really am being short changed! Need to get a time accountant.

The programs I've written have an odd sort of flow, first you make a data set for the two variables (mu and k), which comes with a nice 20,000x20,000 image of the return maps (X1 Vs X2, X1 Vs Y & X2 Vs Y) which lets me make sure the data set covers a good, full map. Next I use the correlation dimension program I wrote to examine the data set generated, it takes a radius and one point and examines Every other point (50,000 points) and then moves to the next point and checks around the radius for It. Then it takes a bigger radius (2000 radii in all).
Each radius takes around 10 seconds, what with the 50,000 points checked against 50,000 (2500 MILLION checks). And then of course you can all work out how long it takes to finish it all for each data set I use ([2000 x 10]/[60x60] = 5.5hours).
And then Sometimes I have to do it for 10,000 radii! Fun times!

Other than that I don't really have any news, being lazy on basically every front, no gym, no society work, no nothing. But ahwell, I can ocassionally make time to see Odette, and these 5 hours slots are good movie time ^_^