Another blog with your host, me!

So yeah, another week that just flew by. Feels like last weekend was an eon ago.
Had a great time in Galway, went swimming in the hotel's pool, hadn't been swimming in years and had never swam with Odette so that was cool. I'm really a damn poor swimmer from such a prolonged absence of swimming, but I'd love to get back into it. Just, as always, need to get my time management down so I can slot it in somewhere.
I never did anything close to what my new years resolutions were, I should've said no more than 3 drinks a sitting for one. And maybe bought the Wii Fit board before I told myself I'd use it. Damn HMV never having them.
I have a feeling the rice I'm eating isn't good... Damn you rice, you better not kill me.

I've lots and lots to do, and as always I bitch about it almost as much as I work on it.
Here is a list of things I've to get done:
- Magnetism course; end of chapter questions
- Magnetism course; write 6 questions on the course
- Spectroscopy course; catchup on 10 video lectures
- UCD presentation; go through with Enrique, maybe do dummy presentation
- Journal club; read paper and do presentation
- Report; finish up the report I'd put together, finalise PrismSpect model
- JF Labs; correct this weeks reports
- Workshop; redraw laser window holders
- Lab; test motors in vacuum with feed through (chase Nigel up about motor supplies)
- Lab; test newer camera with spectrometer to verify it is the camera rather than spectrometer or PCI board.
- EPS Conference; do poster! OhGod!
Anyway, that's pretty much it, I'm more going through it so I have a list... That and to quantify my bitching.

In other news tomorrow is my day of birth, I will be 22 years breathing for myself, rather than all the breathing I did for other people before. I'm looking forward to seeing some folks and such. Shame it had to be a weekend I'm stuck with lots to do, never makes me feel like having much fun. But I'm sure I will anyway.
Been a pretty crazy week, even though Galway isn't that far away any journey like that makes me feel like I have jetlag, still, 4 hours to get anywhere is a long time, should have just gotten a flight.
I wonder what I will get for my birthday.

That is a long list of things to do, but it'll keep you on your toes eh?! You'll be fine, you're well able to keep on top of those, I know you can <3
I hope that the rice doesn't kill you either, remember in Amadeus' house? Oh sweet jeebus! Unless rice is freshly cooked (or in an m&s salad I won't touch it!) One bitten and all.
Hope you're going to have a lovely birthday hun, I hope you'll like what I got for you :)
I'm sorry I wasn't able to meet up with you for tea! But you do SOUND super busy so I don't feel SO bad now. :)
@Eala that's what the rice made me think of, I'm sure it was fine, it's just the smell reminded me.
@NotKatieMcE Haha, no worries. Will catch up with you soon!
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