Words from Saturday:
"If you want to enjoy life, learn to love food, because damn I love food and damn I enjoy my life! Those two may seem quite unrelated to some of you, but those people who know what they like will know that a whole week can be made shiny by that one meal, that one, first, wonderful, bite. Mmmmm. This week has been a foody week for me, full of not eating for hours and then enjoying something delicious. Anticipation after a long hard day. Cooking is a great art, I enjoy it, and like all art I try my hand at I rarely plan anything, I just jump in and go with what sounds right (which can occasionally make an awful mess, but that's the fun!)
So this week flew by, I guess we did start it one day short. I viewed some apartments, I ran into some old friends, I met up with and chatted to others and worked on this and that in my office mostly. Trying very hard to think how to make the next setup, before I've even started my experiments with this one! But that's because my mind is still in disbelief that it is May and I haven't fired shot one at my new setup! I thought I'd be half done by the start of March!"
I was in a different mood then than I am now, today has been a Long day, and I haven't gotten half of what I wanted to done, as is always the story it seems. For once this isn't because of things breaking, it's completely due to the limit of hours in a working day (not that mine is going to be over until much later).
But yes, on to other things, I want to know, would anyone like me to answer questions for them? Because I can't talk directly about what I'm doing until after I've published something on it, is there anything else you'd like me to try explain? It will both give me something to think about and give me an excuse to learn stuff as I go. So if anyone has questions related to my work in laser produced plasmas or general physics related stuff feel free! Email me or comment on this and I will try my best to answer it in a fludge post!
My moving out plans are progressing slowly, I'm not giving out though, I'm in no real rush, and I'd like to find somewhere that me and Kev can both settle into well, and somewhere that Odette will like spending time because I really don't like bringing people back to my house now so I am constantly imposing on Odette's family.
I'd love to get somewhere amazing, just win the Euromillions and rent some amazing apartment in town until I'm finished the PhD, then go buy some huge, incredible place, and spend 10 years designing rooms and gardens and doing research in my spare time, in the lab I built underground beside my mansion.
Sorry, got a little distracted, really want to live somewhere green. Sorry if you read this before I change the image host to my server, I can't access it from the college computers easily and the only host I ever seem to remember has weird load times. I should really just find another host, anyone know one they like?
I've book flights to NJ for August, I'm going to my mam's this weekend, I'm minding Odette's house in June, I hope to go to Italy again before September and all this when I decide to move out. SMRT. But it will be a great summer anyway, hopefully be full of successful experiments, well written reports, intelligent conversation and many, many fun times too.
I'm off down to the lab now to test out my setup, see if I can align everything alright and see if the discharge works and if the setup can be used. Fingers crossed!
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